
E-Broadcaster adds new editor and enhances personalization

By | February 6, 2006

The new editor should save you time and lay the groundwork for even more enhancements down the road.

What’s new with the new editor?

-> You can now type and edit directly in each text area of your campaign, no pop-up window needed.

-> Because some folks prefer the pop-up, we’ve made that an option as well.

-> You can now spellcheck your work.

-> You can now paste text from Word directly in for quick cleanup, no special button needed.

-> You can now easily link to bookmarks anywhere in your campaign.

-> Your links will now be automatically formatted (for missing ‘http://…’ etc.) when you preview them.

-> And in general, you can edit, save and move around more quickly.

-> Remember that, as always, the javascript-based editor works best with Internet Explorer 6.0 on a PC, or the (free) Mozilla Firefox browser. The latest version of Safari is still not fully javascript enabled.

Also new: smarter personalization

Along with the new editor is a feature that helps you avoid the quite common scenario in which you’d like to address your audience by name, but alas, you don’t have names for every recipient on your list.

The new personalization placeholders now let you add default text that’s used in place of those missing names. “Dear ___” becomes “Dear Friend” or “Dear Colleague” or “Dear Fellow Bow-Hunting Enthusiast.” Similarly, “How’s the weather in ___?” becomes “How’s the weather in your city?” where the recipient’s city isn’t known. It works for any field you use to personalize your campaign.

You’ll find the placeholders located just below your campaign in edit mode (alongside your menu of links and the names you’ve assigned them), so give it try.


Jeffery James
Jeffery James
Jeffery is the Creative Director and Principal of Spire2. He brings marketing expertise from a variety of industries. He excels at understanding clients' corporate objectives, translating them into brand positioning and executing marketing materials that exceed expectations.