You’ve probably seen a sign like this. I chuckle whenever I see them, and I risked my life to get this picture (that’s another story). Tell me, if one could offer $20,000 a month in salary, don’t you think they could afford to have a sign professionally made instead of using a magic marker? Hmmm. Yet they exist and I will tell you why. People call (hopefully you haven’t, but if you do and start earning $20,000 a month, let’s do lunch). They also work because signs get extra attention and they are often budget friendly (we are talking the magic word during a recession.)
Before everyone runs out and buys signs and a chunky marker, you need to understand the other reason why they work. The sign needs to say something that gets attention. Who doesn’t want to believe they are a phone call away from earning $20,000 a month? The message is seductive. In launching the Downtown Wheaton Association website I suggested they don’t advertise they have a new website, but advertise that you could win $100 by joining the Downtown Wheaton Shopper’s club. For Community School of the Arts it was, “visit the site to join the FREE early arts club.” See the difference. If you’ve got a great idea, contact my friends at The Sign Authority. If you want help with a creative strategy to use signs to get attention, let’s talk.
Just curious. Do you know someone who has responded to an ad like this? I would love to hear about it.