One of the most important aspects in financial advisor marketing is building trust. The truth is that for financial planners, the number one page visited is the “team” or “about us” page. Getting this page right is a critical component of your online marketing.
Make sure you have considered these three aspects on your bio page:
1. Lead with personality. If a prospect is thinking about trusting you with their financial life, try to make sure they feel comfortable. The temptation is to try to be neutral to attract everyone. The reality is, neutral attracts no one. Who would you rather do business with anyway? People you have something in common with are much more fun to work with.
2. Make it skimmable. Paragraphs about every credential you have are enough to put even the most interested prospect to sleep. Bullet points are your friend — use them. Speaking of credentials, don’t assume everybody knows what all those letters mean. At least make them links to the credential sites.
3. Don’t just say it — show it. Most people know it is important to have a photo, but did you know that there is a word to describe the right picture? Warmth. If your photo does not exude warmth — get another shot.
Don’t forget the most important thing on your bio page
Your bio needs a call-to-action (CTA). As one of the most visited pages on your site, make sure it is easy for people to connect with you — don’t forget to tell them what to do next.
Will you be my friend?
While credentials and experience are important, don’t forget that people do business with people they like. If you keep these three aspects in mind, your bio page will be an important step in converting traffic into customers and it might just lead to some new friends.
Think your marketing might be falling short? Channel Balancing is a proven tool to assess where you are and what you need to be doing to create a stronger lead generation program. It is not right for everyone, but I would be happy to have a short conversation to determine if it might be right for you. Give me a call at (630) 923-5009 ext 700.
We all know websites are the center of an organization’s brand, but what does it really take to have a great website that drives visitors, leads and revenue? Download our free guide, 25 Website Must-Haves for Driving Traffic, Leads & Sales.