As more and more marketing has moved online, people have wondered if direct mail is still an effective strategy. The good news is that in 2016 direct mail continues to provide a solid ROI. Some even say its performance is improving as so many organizations ignore it.
The truth is that the evidence supporting the power of direct mail is pretty compelling, even among millennials who are traditionally thought of as being all digital.
79% of consumers will act on direct mail immediately, compared to only 45% who do the same with email, according to the Direct Marketing Association.
According to the USPS, previous customers are more than nine times more likely to respond to direct mail advertising than people who have never shopped at the business.
75% of millennials believe direct mail they receive is valuable according to K. Justin Restaino; 90% of millennials also cited a preference for direct mail promotions versus email.
Direct mail is great but…
One of the drawbacks of direct mail is that it is expensive. Doing one mailing is often a gamble — do you have the right list, the right offer, the right design? Direct mail requires a commitment. The most successful direct mail programs are when organizations are consistently mailing — even if it is only once or twice a year. So whether you are considering it or have utilized direct mail in the past, improving direct mail response rates is important.
A new tool to extend the life of your direct mail.
Most direct mail points people to go online. Once online, the technology exists to use a cookie to retarget those who received your mailing when they leave your site and visit other sites. For months, your prospects will be reminded of your brand and/or special offer. We all know that repeated impressions is the best friend of marketing. The best part is that the cost is minimal (as low as 10¢ an address) and it is not pay-per-click so the fee is flat.
What are you waiting for?
So if you have not considered direct mail or would like to supercharge your next campaign, there are solutions that will improve your odds of success.
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