
4 Tips for How to Create Great Inbound Content for Your Business

By | June 22, 2016


Behind any effective inbound marketing strategy is great content. Content is the foundation on which you communicate and engage with your audience, customers and leads. But so often, you can hit a wall when you’re creating content, and you need some help getting started. We’ve narrowed down just a few tips that help us when we develop our content whether its blog posts, white pages, or an ebook.

1. Center your content around goals

The first place you should start when developing your content is your goals. Once you’ve established the goals of your business, organization, or company, you can begin forming content that branches off from your core goals. You can also set milestones for your content which will keep youon a schedule and challenge to reach your ideal audience.

2. Care about your keywords

A keyword is a word or phrase that people search for on the internet. By doing research and finding what people search for within your industry can be a great opportunity to capture more views.

If you’d like more information about keywords, read our article on SEO and keywords.

Once you’ve established some good keywords, start forming content around those keywords. When you find one that draws in traffic, don’t be afraid to come back to it and create more content and more articles for that keyword.

3. Find engaging topics

Your business has a great wealth of knowledge within your industry. Use that knowledge to create solid content based around questions that your customers have. Do researched based on the painpoints that customers and buyers have indicated and build the core of some content to answer those questions and solve problems.

A great question to ask when creating content is, will my audience want to read this?

4. Quantity and quality, conversions matter more than traffic

How much and how often should you post? Well, it depends on the goals and expectations of your inbound marketing strategy. The more you are active online, the more attention you’ll receive. Consistency is very important, but posting two quality blog posts a week can be more effective than ten quick posts. Don’t just post any and every blog article; make sure they are well thought out and quality pieces.

Conversions matter more than traffic. Its great to get people visiting your website, but if you have no one taking action, then its all for nothing. Create content that is focused on empowering buyers to take action, not just read an article or two.

The first step in creating good content is to create good inbound goals. If you want help developing your first inbound marketing SMART goals, then click here for our free template that will get you started in inbound marketing!

Download free template


Andrew Coffey
Andrew Coffey